Hoffa’s Fat Pad-associated Solitary Neurofibroma as the Cause ofAnterior Knee Pain: A Case Report

Romeo Tecualt-Gómez, Adriana Atencio-Chan, Gabriela Gutiérrez-Salmeán

Learning Point of the Article:
Solitary peripheral neurofibroma is an infrequent condition that do usually not exhibit clinical manifestations. However, when infrapatellar
pain is not alleviated and other causes of such have been discarded, imaging studies must be considered within the differential diagnosis.
Afterwards, pathology and molecular biology studies are needed to confirm the histologic type and hence set a curse of treatment.


Introduction: Infrapatellar peripheral neural tumors, particularly neurofibromas, are rather rare entities reported in the literature. They are slow-growing lesions that usually do not exhibit clinical manifestations other than interspecific swelling or pain; hence, their diagnosis can be
quite challenging. Therefore, scrutiny should include not only traditional clinical assessment and imaging but also more specific molecular biology techniques, such as immunohistochemistry.
Case Report: We present the clinical, imaging, histological, and immunohistochemical features of a unique case of solitary neurofibromain a 33-year-old female presenting chronic anterior knee pain. The tumor was completely removed through a surgical approach.
Conclusions: Although cases of a solitary neurofibroma originating within Hoffa’s fat pad are extremely rare; the entity should be considered in the differential diagnosis when symptomatology is not alleviated with appropriate treatments.

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About author

Romeo Tecautl